What Caleb is up to:
He is a very happy baby and loves to watch his brother play. He's doing much better in the car and doesn't usually cry...unless the clock strikes 7:00ish pm and then he turns into a very unhappy baby. He is very consistent that he does not want to be traveling in the car when he should be home in bed. He goes through at least 5 bibs a day due to drool just like Ethan did and they have the same deep blue eyes. But it's amazing to me how different they are. He sounds so different than Ethan did and their heads are shaped different and he uses his hands more than Ethan did and well, babies don't do a whole lot so that's mostly what I've observed. I love him so much and I kiss those chubby cheeks all day long! What Ethan is up to:
He loves cameras and is taking lots of pictures with our old camera.
He loves golf and hits ping pong balls around the living room while watching the golf channel.
He loves pitching balls and says "show me the heat" and "toss me the rock" while throwing.
He tries to delay bedtime by saying "but wait, Mama" over and over but can't come up with a reason for me to wait.
He has been excited about his brother lately and can't wait until he wakes up from his naps. Unfortunately, this results in Ethan sneaking into Caleb's room and climbing into his bed while he's still asleep.
He loves the Cars movie and he also loves listening to Toy Story 2 in the car.
Caleb loves to stick is tongue out!
Ethan is a very serious golfer this week. I attribute it to playing Wii golf with Grandpa. Yesterday he came into the kitchen while I was washing dishes and wanted me to golf with him. When I told him I couldn't right then he said ok and left. I checked on them a few minutes later and I found that he had recruited Caleb to play.
Ethan and I planted a "garden" a couple of days ago. These little pots are in the dollar section at Target right now and it was a fun activity to do with him. I'm not confident that they will grow because Ethan keeps saying "do it again!" and then turns them upside down. :)Ethan and the ladies!
Ethan and Laekin on the Dana Point hike last weekend above Strands Beach. We've been loving this easy hike that is pretty short and just perfect for little kids. The views are stunning. Ethan was very excited to show Caleb how to use the train. We got a new camera and I was playing around with it. Are we having the most beautiful spring ever or what?
The hike at Dana Point at the peak of the flowers with Aunt Emy.
We were playing with all the hats and Ethan told me he was a cowboy so we got the pony out.